Importance of HACCP Colour Coded Cutting Boards

KH HACCP Colour Coded Cutting Boards

One of the most common causes of food-related illness that can occur in the hospitality industry (a.k.a food poisoning) is something called cross-contamination. Also known as the transfer of harmful bacteria from one food product to another by way of contaminated tools, equipment or hands.

In many cases of cross-contamination, cutting boards are a prime culprit.

Using separate color-coded cutting boards for different food groups ensures preventing cross-contamination.

Using Color-Coded Cutting Boards

Firstly, KH Colour Coded Cutting Boards help identify which cutting boards are suitable for the particular use.

Making it less likely to cut lettuce on the same board you just used for prepping raw poultry.

Secondly, you don’t need to adopt the entire system in order to cook more safely at home.

For example assign a distinctively colored cutting board reserved for raw meat i.e yellow

One that will go a long way toward minimizing your chances of a food-related illness.

Above all, the different KH HACCP Cutting Board Colours and their recommended use:

Green: Fruits & Vegetables

KH Green Cutting Board

KH Green Cutting Board


Yellow: Raw Poultry

KH Yellow Cutting Board

KH Yellow Cutting Board


Brown: Cooked Food

KH Brown Cutting Board

KH Brown Cutting Board


White: Dairy Products


KH White Cutting Board

KH White Cutting Board


Blue: Fish & Seafood

KH Blue Cutting Board

KH Blue Cutting Board


Red: Raw Meat

KH Red Cutting Board

KH Red Cutting Board


Most of all, KH (Ken Hands) cutting board are provided with a hand colour coded chart you can put the wall for reference.

Cutting Board Colour Guide

Cutting Board Colour Guide

Help remind your staff by placing this in your food establishment.

Lastly, KH Cutting Boards are available from our Australian distributors.

Contact us to find your nearest distributor of KH Ken Hands products.

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